Tips to Compress or Reduce PDF Size without Quality Loss

There is process to Compress PDF or Reduce PDF Size without quality loss through Acrobat Pro with SKOTechLearn. Whenever, we talk about sharing PDF through FTP, Pen Drive, mail or any other way. The difficulties face due to huge size of document.

If we talk about one large KB document transfer, may be it will easy to compress through online. But If we have more than one documents, suppose 10 or 100. Then we have to find some other way to shrink all these docs.

There is 2 types of compression, anyone you can choose as your need.

First, we will learn how can we Shrink PDF document without loosing quality of pages.

Tips to create Searchable document from multiple files

Reduce PDF Size of Existing or Single file

To shrink particular document , open it in Acrobat Pro.

After that, go to "File" menu and find "Save As" option, focus mouse cursor on "Save As" option, it contains sub menu list.

Find "Reduced Size PDF..." option from sub menu list.

File >> Save As.. >> Reduced Size PDF...
Select option for compress
Option Selection Process

When you select this option, a window will open with name as "Reduce File Size".

Select any PDF version from "Make Compatible With:" combo box as mention in above figure.

This box containing option (like:- "Retain Existing", "Acrobat 4.0 or later", "Acrobat 5.0 or later", "Acrobat 6.0 or later", "Acrobat 7.0 or later" etc.).

As well as you select option in acceding order like first select "Acrobat 4.0 or later" after that "Acrobat 5.0 or later". If you will select "Acrobat 4.0 or later" option. It will reduce more KB.

Removing Watermark from every document

But when selecting Version in increasing form, it will less compress of file. But no one version can loos page quality. Just choose option according to requirement. Then move cursor for press "OK" button.

Press "OK" button will show "Save As" dialog box open.

Save file for compress
Save file

Save Reduced Size document in any location.

For understanding purpose, I have given other output location as:- "Reduce_Size" folder name. And put my document name as :-"PAGE_A_A9.0". That's why, because I will show you the differences between previous Doc and after Reduce PDF Size process done Doc.

Now, take a look of the differences of doc size.
Output with difference for compress PDF
Output with difference

Above left side picture containing previous documents in large size. And right side picture containing documents with compressed form. Here, ("_A4.0, _A5.0, _A8.0, _A10.0" ) these Number will defined that which version have reduced how much ammount of KB. So, In this easiest way, everyone can shrink document.

Watermarking in multiple PDF Pages

Reduce PDF Size of Multiple files

For multiple files size reduction in Acrobat, you have to proceed with step by step process:

If there is requirement to shrink process for more than one docs at the same time. Then, select "Apply to Multiple" option.

Apply to multiple for compress document
"Apply to Multiple" process

A screen of "Arrange documents" will open . In this screen click "Add Files.." combo box, This will show "Add Files" dialog screen. Open doc's path and select docs whatever docs you want to add for compress or shrink.

Selected doc will be add on "Add Files" window. After selecting docs, press "OK" button.

Pressing "OK" button will show "Output Options" setting screen.

output and run action for compression
Output Selection and Action execution

In "Output Options" screen , Chose existing docs location or other location for output as described above. Then press "OK" button.

When pressing "OK" button, a "Progress" window bar open.

Adding Page Header Footer in multiple docs

After completion of progress. your PDF File Compression Process have been done. Come to the difference of before and after shrink PDF Files.

Multi file output of compress
Output of Multiple file's difference

Left side view describe the files, which are not reduced and the right side view describe the files, which Compress PDF file after Reduce file size process.

So, the best way to Compress or Reduce PDF Size without Quality Loss within a minute with easy Tech Tips by (SKOTechLean).

Header Footer removal from PDF